
Microsoft’s Surface Hub – A new collaboration technology.

Microsoft also announced a new device for organizations and corporate world. Its named Surface Hub, a new device, which changes the traditional methods of conferencing and business meetings.

Features include:

  • A 84″ touch-screen device running on Windows10 with 4k resolution. It changes the way you managed your conferences.
  • Built-in camera, wifi, mics, bluetooth, sensors.
  • Call, connect, share content, collaborate.
  • Utilizes OneNote concept- everything in one page (a whole new digital white-board)
  • Detects, when person comes in nearby it. Automatically detects when the marker/stylus is picked.
  • Supports touch controls, gestures, voice controls.
  • Clip content, take notes, share notes, send emails and lot more.
  • New way to arrange Meetings – Shared screen and live conversation along with a canvas.
  • Sharing live content with people involved in meeting.

About the author


Professionally, he is a web-designer/Front end developer. A technology enthusiast, tech guru. Spends every minute of his day with computers or mobiles.

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