
Meet Spartan – The new web browser from Microsoft.

Written by Deepak

Windows new browser rumored surfaced weeks ago and its now official, that new web-browser code-named Spartan is real.
Though it was said, Spartan won’t be available initially, but sooner it will be the default web-browser for Windows10

Some of its feature’s include :

  • Spartan will be available for all the devices like phone, tablet and desktop.
  • You can clip,mark and comment content on webpages right from your browser screen, and share/save the content for further use.
  • Reading mode – where you make the webpage more read-friendly by removing the unwanted sidebar content.
  • Reading mode also provides a feature called reading list, where you can put the content you want to be available for later reading.
  • Spartan has integrated Cortana assist, which provides a lot more personal assistant directly inside the browser.
  • As Cortana gathers information collected from learning your activities & history and then puts its together and present it when your looking somewhere nearby it like travelling, restaurant, and more when you search.

About the author


Professionally, he is a web-designer/Front end developer. A technology enthusiast, tech guru. Spends every minute of his day with computers or mobiles.

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