
Reference Model for Service Oriented Architecture (2006)


The notion of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) has received
significant attention within the software design and development community. The
result of this attention is the proliferation of many conflicting definitions
of SOA. Whereas SOA architectural patterns (or reference architectures) may be developed to explain and underpin a
generic design template supporting a specific SOA, a reference model is intended to provide an even higher level of
commonality, with definitions that should apply to all SOA.

1.1 What
is a reference model

A reference model is
an abstract framework for
understanding significant relationships among the entities of some environment.
It enables the development of specific reference or concrete architectures
using consistent standards or specifications supporting that environment. A
reference model consists of a minimal set of unifying concepts, axioms and
relationships within a particular problem domain, and is independent of
specific standards, technologies, implementations, or other concrete details.

As an illustration of the relationship between a reference
model and the architectures that can derive from such a model, consider what
might be involved in modeling what is important about residential housing. In
the context of a reference model, we know that concepts such as eating areas,
hygiene areas and sleeping areas are all important in understanding what goes
into a house. There are relationships between these concepts, and constraints
on how they are implemented. For example, there may be physical separation
between eating areas and hygiene areas.

The role of a reference
for housing would be to identify abstract solutions to the
problems of providing housing. A general pattern for housing, one that
addresses the needs of its occupants in the sense of, say, noting that there
are bedrooms, kitchens, hallways, and so on is a good basis for an abstract
reference architecture. The concept of eating area is a reference model
concept, a kitchen is a realization of eating area in the context of the reference

There may be more than one reference architecture that
addresses how to design housing; for example, there may be a reference
architecture to address the requirements for developing housing solutions in
large apartment complexes, another to address suburban single family houses,
and another for space stations. In the context
of high density housing, there may not be a separate kitchen but rather a
shared cooking space or even a communal kitchen used by many families.

An actual or concrete architecture would introduce
additional elements. It would incorporate particular architectural styles,
particular arrangements of windows, construction materials to be used and so
on. A blueprint of a particular house represents a specific architecture as it
applies to a proposed or actually constructed dwelling.

The reference model for housing is, therefore, at least three
levels of abstraction away from a physical entity that can be lived in. The purpose of a reference model is to
provide a common conceptual framework that can be used consistently across and
between different implementations and is of particular use in modeling specific

1.2 A Reference
Model for Service Oriented Architectures

The goal of this reference model is to define the essence of
service oriented architecture, and emerge with a vocabulary and a common
understanding of SOA. It provides a normative reference that remains relevant
for SOA as an abstract and powerful model, irrespective of the various and
inevitable technology evolutions that will influence SOA deployment.

Figure 1 shows how a reference model for SOA relates to other
distributed systems architectural inputs.
The concepts and relationships defined by the reference model are
intended to be the basis for describing references architectures and patterns
that will define more specific categories of SOA designs. Concrete architectures arise from a
combination of reference architectures, architectural patterns and additional
requirements, including those imposed by technology environments.

Architecture must
account for the goals, motivation, and requirements that define the actual
problems being addressed. While
reference architectures can form the basis of classes of solutions, concrete
architectures will define specific solution approaches.

Architecture is
often developed in the context of a pre-defined environment, such as the
protocols, profiles, specifications, and standards that are pertinent.

SOA implementations
combine all of these elements, from the more generic architectural principles
and infrastructure to the specifics that define the current needs, and
represent specific implementations that will be built and used in an
operational environment.

Figure 1 How
the Reference Model relates to other work

1.3 Audience

The intended audiences of this document include

  • Architects and
    developers designing, identifying or developing a system based on the
    service-oriented paradigm.
  • Standards
    architects and analysts developing specifications that rely on service
    oriented architecture concepts.
  • Decision makers
    seeking a “consistent and common” understanding of service
    oriented architectures.
  • Users who need a
    better understanding of the concepts and benefits of service oriented

1.4 Guide to using the reference model

New readers are encouraged to read this reference model in
its entirety. Concepts are presented in an order that the authors hope promote
rapid understanding.

This section introduces the conventions, defines the
audience and sets the stage for the rest of the document. Non-technical readers
are encouraged to read this information as it provides background material
necessary to understand the nature and usage of reference models.

Section 2 introduces the concept of SOA and identifies some of
the ways that it differs from previous paradigms for distributed systems. Section
2 offers guidance on the basic principles of service
oriented architecture. This can be used by non-technical readers to gain an
explicit understanding of the core principles of SOA and by architects as
guidance for developing specific service oriented architectures.

Section 3 introduces the Reference Model for SOA. In any
framework as rich as SOA, it is difficult to avoid a significant amount of
cross referencing between concepts. This makes presentation of the material
subject to a certain amount of arbitrariness. We resolve this by introducing
the concept of service itself, then we introduce concepts that relate to the
dynamic aspects of service and finally we introduce those concepts that refer
to the meta-level aspects of services such as service description and policies
as they apply to services.

Section 4 addresses compliance with this reference model.

The glossary provides definitions of terms that are relied
upon within the reference model specification but do not necessarily form part
of the specification itself. Terms that are defined in the glossary are marked
in bold at their first occurrence in
the document.

Note that while the concepts and relationships described in
this reference model may apply to other “service” environments, the
definitions and descriptions contained herein focus on the field of software architecture and make no
attempt to completely account for use outside of the software domain. Examples included in this document that are
taken from other domains are used strictly for illustrative purposes.

1.5 Notational Conventions

The key words MUST,
MAY, and OPTIONAL in this document are to be
interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

References are surrounded with [square brackets and are in bold text].

1.5.1 How to
interpret concept maps.

Concepts maps are used within this document. There is no
normative convention for interpreting Concept maps and other than described
herein, no detailed information can be derived from the concept maps herein.

Figure 2 A
basic concept map

As used in this document a line between two concepts
represents a relationship, where the relationship is not labeled but rather is
described in the text immediately preceding or following the figure.  The
arrow on a line indicates an asymmetrical relationship, where the concept to
which the arrow points (Concept 2 in Figure
) can be interpreted as depending in some way on the
concept from which the line originates (Concept 1).  The text accompanying
each graphic describes the nature of each relationship.

1.6 Relationships to Other

Due to its nature, this reference model may have an implied
relationship with any group that:

  • Considers
    its work “service oriented”;
  • Makes
    (publicly) an adoption statement to use the Reference Model for SOA as a
    base or inspiration for their work; and
  • Standards
    or technologies that claim to be service oriented.

The reference model does not endorse any particular
service-oriented architecture, or attest to the validity of third party
reference model conformance claims.

2.1 What
is Service Oriented Architecture?

Service Oriented
(SOA) is a paradigm for organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities that may be under the
control of different ownership domains.

In general, entities (people and organizations) create capabilities
to solve or support a solution for the problems they face in the course of
their business. It is natural to think of one persons needs being met by
capabilities offered by someone else; or, in the world of distributed
computing, one computer agents requirements being met by a computer agent
belonging to a different owner.

There is not necessarily a one-to-one correlation between
needs and capabilities; the granularity of needs and capabilities vary from
fundamental to complex, and any given need may require the combining of
numerous capabilities while any single capability may address more than one
need. The perceived value of SOA is that it provides a powerful framework for
matching needs and capabilities and for combining capabilities to address those

Visibility, interaction, and effect are key concepts for
describing the SOA paradigm. Visibility
refers to the capacity for those with needs and those with capabilities to be
able to see each other. This is
typically done by providing descriptions for such aspects as functions and
technical requirements, related constraints and policies, and mechanisms for
access or response. The descriptions
need to be in a form (or can be transformed to a form) in which their syntax
and semantics are widely accessible
and understandable.

Whereas visibility introduces the possibilities for matching
needs to capabilities (and vice versa), interaction is the activity of
using a capability. Typically mediated
by the exchange of messages, an interaction proceeds through a series of
information exchanges and invoked actions. There are many facets of
interaction; but they are all grounded in a particular execution context the set of technical and business elements that
form a path between those with needs and those with capabilities. This permits
service providers and consumers to interact and provides a decision point for
any policies and contracts that may be in force.

The purpose of using a capability is to realize one or more real world effects. At its core, an interaction is an act as
opposed to an object and the result of an interaction is an effect (or a
set/series of effects). This effect may be the return of information or the
change in the state of entities (known or unknown) that are involved in the

We are careful to distinguish between public actions and private
actions; private actions are inherently unknowable by other parties. On the
other hand, public actions result in changes to the state that is shared between at least those involved in the current
execution context and possibly shared by others. Real world effects are, then,
couched in terms of changes to this shared

The expected real world effects form an important part of
the decision on whether a particular capability matches similarly described
needs. At the interaction stage, the
description of real world effects establishes the expectations of those using
the capability. Note, it is not possible to describe
every effect from using a capability. A cornerstone of SOA is that capabilities
can be used without needing to know all the details.

This description of SOA has yet to mention what is usually
considered the central concept: the service.
The noun service is defined in dictionaries as The performance of work (a
function) by one for another. However,
service, as the term is generally understood, also combines the following
related ideas:

  • The
    capability to perform work for another
  • The
    specification of the work offered for another
  • The
    offer to perform work for another

These concepts emphasize a distinction between a capability
and the ability to bring that capability to bear. While both needs and
capabilities exist independently of SOA, in SOA, services are the mechanism
by which needs and capabilities are brought together.

SOA is a means of organizing solutions that promotes reuse,
growth and interoperability. It is not itself a solution to domain problems but
rather an organizing and delivery paradigm that enables one to get more value
from use both of capabilities which are locally owned and those under the
control of others.  It also enables one to express solutions in a way that
makes it easier to modify or evolve the identified solution or to try alternate
solutions.  SOA does not provide any domain elements of a solution that do
not exist without SOA.

Note that while an SOA service brings together needs and
capabilities, the provider of the underlying capability may not be the same
entity that eventually provides the service which accesses that
capability.  In reality, the entity with the domain expertise to create,
maintain, and evolve a given capability may not have the expertise or the
desire to create, maintain, and evolve its service access. 

The concepts of visibility, interaction, and effect apply
directly to services in the same manner as these were described for the general
SOA paradigm. Visibility is promoted
through the service description which contains the information necessary
to interact with the service and describes this in such terms as the service
inputs, outputs, and associated semantics.
The service description also conveys what is accomplished when the
service is invoked and the conditions for using the service.

In general, entities (people and organizations) offer
capabilities and act as service
. Those with needs who make
use of services are referred to as service
. The service description
allows prospective consumers to decide if the service is suitable for their
current needs and establishes whether a consumer satisfies any requirements of
the service provider.

(Note, service providers and service consumers are sometimes
referred to jointly as service participants.)

most discussions of SOA, the terms loose coupling and coarse-grained are
commonly applied as SOA concepts, but these terms have intentionally not been
used in the current discussion because they are subjective trade-offs and
without useful metrics. In terms of needs and capabilities, granularity and
coarseness are usually relative to detail for the level of the problem being
addressed, e.g. one that is more strategic vs. one down to the algorithm level,
and defining the optimum level is not amenable to counting the number of
interfaces or the number or types of information exchanges connected to an

Note that although SOA is commonly implemented using Web
services, services can be made visible, support interaction, and generate
effects through other implementation strategies. Web service-based architectures
and technologies are specific and concrete. While the concepts in the Reference
Model apply to such systems, Web services are too solution specific to be part
of a general reference model.

2.1.1 A worked
Service Oriented Architecture example

An electric utility has
the capacity to generate and distribute electricity (the underlying
capability). The wiring from the electric companys distribution grid (the
service) provides the means to supply electricity to support typical usage for
a residential consumers house (service functionality), and a consumer accesses
electricity generated (the output of invoking the service) via a wall outlet
(service interface). In order to use the electricity, a consumer needs to
understand what type of plug to use, what is the voltage of the supply, and
possible limits to the load; the utility presumes that the customer will only
connect devices that are compatible with the voltage provided and load
supported; and the consumer in turn assumes that compatible consumer devices can
be connected without damage or harm (service technical assumptions).

A residential or
business user will need to open an account with the utility in order to use the
supply (service constraint) and the utility will meter usage and expects the
consumer to pay for use at the rate prescribed (service policy). When the consumer and utility agree on
constraints and polices (service contract), the consumer can receive
electricity using the service as long as the electricity distribution grid and
house connection remain intact (e.g. a storm knocking down power lines would
disrupt distribution) and the consumer can have payment sent (e.g. a check by
mail or electronic funds transfer) to the utility (reachability).

Another person (for
example, a visitor to someone else’s house) may use a contracted supply without
any relationship with the utility or any requirement to also satisfy the
initial service constraint (i.e. reachability only requires intact electricity
distribution) but would nonetheless be expected to be compatible with the
service interface.

In certain situations
(for example, excessive demand), a utility may limit supply or institute
rolling blackouts (service policy). A consumer might lodge a formal complaint
if this occurred frequently (consumer’s implied policy).

If the utility required
every device to be hardwired to its equipment, the underlying capability would
still be there but this would be a very different service and have a very
different service interface.

2.2 How is Service
Oriented Architecture different?

Unlike Object Oriented Programming paradigms, where the
focus is on packaging data with operations, the central focus of Service
Oriented Architecture is the task or business function getting something

This distinction manifests itself in several ways:

OO has intentional melding of methods to a given
data object. The methods can be thought
of as a property of the object. For SOA,
one can think of the services as being the access to methods but the actual
existence of methods and any connection to objects is incidental.

To use an object, it must first be instantiated
while one interacts with a service where it exists.

An object exposes structure but there is no way
to express semantics other than what can be captured as comments in the class
definition. SOA emphasizes the need for
clear semantics.

Both OO and SOA are as much a way of thinking about
representing things and actions in the world as these are about the specifics
of building a system. The important
thing is understanding and applying the paradigm. So the question is not what is a service?
any more than it is what is an object?
Anything can be a service in the same way anything can be an
object. The challenge is to apply the
paradigms to enhance clarity and get things done. SOA provides a more viable basis for large
scale systems because it is a better fit to the way human activity itself is
managed by delegation.

How does this paradigm of SOA differ from other approaches
to organizing and understanding Information Technology assets? Essentially, there are two areas in which it
differs both of which shape the framework of concepts that underlie distributed

First, SOA reflects the reality that ownership boundaries
are a motivating consideration in the architecture and design of systems. This recognition is evident in the core
concepts of visibility, interaction and effect.

However, SOA does not itself address all the concepts
associated with ownership, ownership domains and actions communicated between
legal peers. To fully account for concepts such as trust, business
transactions, authority, delegation and so on additional conceptual
frameworks and architectural elements are required. Within the context of SOA, these are likely
to be represented and referenced within service
and service interfaces.
The presence of service descriptions and service interfaces provides a ready
location for including such references and thus facilitates reuse of externally
developed frameworks and interoperability among systems availing themselves of
this reuse.

Second, SOA applies the lessons learned from commerce to the
organization of IT assets to facilitate the matching of capabilities and
needs. That two or more entities come together
within the context of a single interaction implies the exchange of some type of
value. This is the same fundamental
basis as trade itself, and suggests that as SOAs evolve away from interactions
defined in a point-to-point manner to a marketplace of services; the technology
and concepts can scale as successfully as the commercial marketplace.

2.3 The Benefits
of Service Oriented Architecture

The main drivers for SOA-based architectures are to
facilitate the manageable growth of large-scale enterprise systems, to
facilitate Internet-scale provisioning and use of services and to reduce costs
in organization to organization cooperation.

The value of SOA is that it provides a simple scalable
paradigm for organizing large networks of systems that require interoperability
to realize the value inherent in the individual components. Indeed, SOA is scalable because it makes the
fewest possible assumptions about the network and also minimizes any trust
assumptions that are often implicitly made in smaller scale systems.

An architect using SOA principles is better equipped,
therefore, to develop systems that are scalable, evolvable and manageable. It
should be easier to decide how to integrate functionality across ownership
boundaries. For example, a large company
that acquires a smaller company must determine how to integrate the acquired IT
infrastructure into its overall IT portfolio.

Through this inherent ability to scale and evolve, SOA
enables an IT portfolio which is also adaptable to the varied needs of a
specific problem domain or process architecture. The infrastructure SOA encourages is also
more agile and responsive than one built on an exponential number of pair-wise
interfaces. Therefore, SOA can also
provide a solid foundation for business agility and adaptability.

The Reference Model

illustrates the principal concepts this reference
model defines. The relationships between them are developed as each concept is
defined in turn.

Figure 3 Principal
concepts in the Reference Model

3.1 Service

A service is a
mechanism to enable access to one or more capabilities, where the access is
provided using a prescribed interface and is exercised consistent with
constraints and policies as specified by the service description. A service is provided by an entity the service provider for use by others, but the eventual consumers
of the service may not be known to the service provider and may demonstrate
uses of the service beyond the scope originally conceived by the provider.

A service is accessed by means of a service interface (see
Section, where the interface comprises the specifics of how
to access the underlying capabilities.
There are no constraints on what constitutes the underlying capability
or how access is implemented by the service provider. Thus, the service could carry out its
described functionality through one or more automated and/or manual processes
that themselves could invoke other available services.

A service is opaque in that its implementation is typically
hidden from the service consumer
except for (1) the information and behavior models
exposed through the service interface and (2) the information required by
service consumers to determine whether a given service is appropriate for their

The consequence of invoking a service is a realization of
one or more real world effects (see Section 3.2.3). These effects may include:

  1. information
    returned in response to a request for that information,
  2. a
    change to the shared state of defined entities, or
  3. some
    combination of (1) and (2).

Note, the service consumer in (1) does not typically know
how the information is generated, e.g. whether it is extracted from a database
or generated dynamically; in (2), it does not typically know how the state
change is effected.

service concept above emphasizes a distinction between a capability that
represents some functionality created to address a need and the point of access
where that capability is brought to bear in the context of SOA. It is assumed that capabilities exist outside
of SOA. In actual use, maintaining this distinction may not be critical (i.e.
the service may be talked about in terms of being the capability) but the
separation is pertinent in terms of a clear expression of the nature of SOA and
the value it provides.

3.2 Dynamics of

From a dynamic perspective, there are three fundamental
concepts that are important in understanding what is involved in interacting
with services: the visibility between service providers and consumers, the interaction
between them, and the real world effect of interacting with a service.

Figure 4 Concepts around the dynamics of

3.2.1 Visibility

For a service provider and consumer to interact with each
other they have to be able to see each other. This is true for any
consumer/provider relationship including in an application program where one
program calls another: without the proper libraries being present the function
call cannot complete. In the case of SOA, visibility needs to be emphasized
because it is not necessarily obvious how service participants can see each other.

Figure 5 Concepts around Visibility

Visibility is the relationship between service consumers and
providers that is satisfied when they are able to interact with each other.
Preconditions to visibility are awareness,
willingness and reachability. The initiator in a service interaction MUST be aware
of the other parties, the participants MUST be predisposed to interaction, and
the participants MUST be able to interact. Awareness

Both the service provider and the service consumer MUST have
information that would lead them to know of the others existence. Technically,
the prime requirement is that the initiator
of a service interaction has knowledge of the responder. The fact of a
successful initiation is often sufficient to inform the responder of the
others existence.

Awareness is a state whereby one party has knowledge of the
existence of the other party. Awareness does not imply willingness or
reachability. Awareness of service offerings is often effected by various discovery mechanisms. For a service
consumer to discover a service, the service provider must be capable of making
details of the service (notably service description and policies) available to
potential consumers; and consumers must be capable of becoming aware of that
information. Conversely, the service provider may want to discover likely
consumers and would need to become aware of the consumer’s description. In the following, we will discuss awareness
in terms of service visibility but the concepts are equally valid for consumer

Service awareness requires that the service description and policy
or at least a suitable subset thereof be available in such a manner and
form that, directly or indirectly, a potential consumer is aware of the
existence and capabilities of the service. The extent to which the description
is pushed by the service provider, pulled by a potential consumer, subject
to a probe or another method, will depend on many factors.

For example, a service provider may advertise and promote
their service by either including it in a service directory or broadcasting it
to all consumers; potential consumers may broadcast their particular service
needs in the hope that a suitable service responds with a proposal or offer, or a service consumer might also
probe an entire network to determine if suitable services exist. When the
demand for a service is higher than the supply, then, by advertising their
needs, potential consumers are likely to be more effective than service
providers advertising offered services.

One way or another, the potential consumer must acquire
sufficient descriptions to evaluate whether a given service matches its needs
and, if so, the method for the consumer to interact with the service
. Willingness

Associated with all service interactions is intent it is
an intentional act to initiate and to participate in a service interaction. For
example, if a service consumer discovers a service via its description in a
registry, and the consumer initiates an interaction, if the service provider
does not cooperate then there can be no interaction. In some circumstances it
is precisely the correct behavior for a service to fail to respond for
example, it is the classic defense against certain denial-of-service attacks.

The extent of a service participants willingness to engage
in service interactions may be the subject of policies. Those policies may be
documented in the service description.

Willingness on the part of service providers and consumers
to interact is not the same as a willingness to perform requested actions. A
service provider that rejects all attempts to cause it to perform some action
may still be fully willing and engaged in interacting with the consumer. Reachability

Reachability is the relationship between service
participants where they are able to interact; possibly by exchanging
information. Reachability is an essential pre-requisite for service interaction
participants MUST be able to communicate with each other.

A service consumer may have the intention of interacting
with a service, and may even have all the information needed to communicate
with it. However, if the service is not reachable, for example if there is not
a communication path between the consumer and provider, then, effectively, the
service is not visible to the consumer.

3.2.2 Interacting
with services

Interacting with a service involves performing actions
against the service. In many cases, this is accomplished by sending and
receiving messages, but there are other modes possible that do not involve
explicit message transmission. For example, a service interaction may be
effected by modifying the state of a shared resource. However, for simplicity,
we often refer to message exchange as the primary mode of interaction with a

Figure 6
Service Interaction concepts

illustrates the key concepts that are important in
understanding what it is involved in interacting with services; these revolve
around the service description which references a information model and a behavior
. Information

The information model of a service is a characterization of
the information that may be exchanged with the service. Only information and data that are potentially
exchanged with a service are generally included within that service’s information

The scope of the information model includes the format of
information that is exchanged, the structural relationships within the
exchanged information and also the definition of terms used.

Particularly for information that is exchanged across an
ownership boundary, an important aspect of the service information model is the
consistent interpretation of strings and other tokens in the information.

The extent to which one system can effectively interpret
information from another system is governed by the semantic engagement of the various systems. The semantic engagement
of a system is a relationship between the system and information it may
encounter. This is highly variable and application dependent; for example an
encryption service interprets all information as a stream of bytes for it to
encrypt or decrypt, whereas a database service would attempt to interpret the
same information stream in terms of requests to query and/or modify the

Loosely, one might partition the interpretation of an
informational block into structure (syntax) and semantics (meaning); although
both are part of the information model. Structure

Knowing the representation, structure, and form of
information required is a key initial step in ensuring effective interactions
with a service. There are several levels of such structural information;
including the encoding of character data, the format of the data and the
structural data types associated with elements of the information.

A described information model typically has a great deal to
say about the form of messages. However,
knowing the type of information is not sufficient to completely describe the
appropriate interpretation of data. For example, within a street address
structure, the city name and the street name are typically given the same data
type some variant of the string type. However, city names and street names
are not really the same type of thing at all.
Distinguishing the correct interpretation of a city name string and a
street name string is not possible using type-based techniques it requires
additional information that cannot be expressed purely in terms of the
structure of data. Semantics

The primary task of any communication infrastructure is to
facilitate the exchange of information and the exchange of intent. For example,
a purchase order combines two somewhat orthogonal aspects: the description of
the items being purchased and the fact that one party intends to purchase those
items from another party. Even for exchanges that do not cross any ownership
boundaries, exchanges with services have similar aspects.

Especially in the case where the exchanges are across
ownership boundaries, a critical issue is the interpretation of the data. This
interpretation MUST be consistent between the participants in the service
interaction. Consistent interpretation is a stronger requirement than merely
type (or structural) consistency the tokens in the data itself must also have
a shared basis.

There is often a huge potential for variability in
representing street addresses. For example, an address in San
, California may have
variations in the way the city is represented: SF, San Francisco, San Fran, the City by the Bay
are all alternate denotations of the same city. For successful exchange of
address information, all the participants must have a consistent view of the
meaning of the address tokens if address information is to be reliably shared.

The formal descriptions of terms and the relationships
between them (e.g., an ontology) provides a firm basis for selecting correct
interpretations for elements of information exchanged. For example, an ontology can be used to
capture the alternate ways of expressing the name of a city as well as
distinguishing a city name from a street name.

Note that, for the most part, it is not expected that
service consumers and providers would actually exchange descriptions of terms
in their interaction but, rather, would reference existing descriptions the
role of the semantics being a background one and these references would be
included in the service descriptions.

Specific domain semantics are beyond the scope of this
reference model; but there is a requirement that the service interface enable
providers and consumers to identify unambiguously those definitions that are
relevant to their respective domains. Behavior

The second key requirement for successful interactions with
services is knowledge of the actions invoked against the service and the
process or temporal aspects of interacting with the service. This is
characterized as knowledge of the actions on, responses to, and temporal
dependencies between actions on the service.

For example, in a security-controlled access to a database,
the actions available to a service consumer include presenting credentials, requesting
database updates and reading results of queries. The security may be based on a
challenge-response protocol. For
example, the initiator presents an initial token of identity, the responder
presents a challenge and the initiator responds to the challenge in a way that
satisfies the database. Only after the
users credentials have been verified will the actions that relate to database
update and query be accepted.

The sequences of actions involved are a critical aspect of
the knowledge required for successful use of the secured database. Action

The action model of a service is the characterization of the actions that may
be invoked against the service. Of course, a great portion of the behavior
resulting from an action may be private; however, the expected public view of a
service surely includes the implied effects of actions.

For example, in a service managing a bank account, it is not
sufficient to know that you need to exchange a given message (with appropriate
authentication tokens), in order to use the service. It is also necessary to
understand that using the service may actually affect the state of the account
(for example, withdrawing cash); that dependencies are involved (for example, a
withdrawal request must be less than the account balance); or that the data
changes made have different value in different contexts (for example, changing
the data in a bank statement is not the same as changing the amount in the
account). Process

The process model characterizes the
temporal relationships and temporal properties of actions and events associated
with interacting with the service.

Note that although the process model is an essential part of
this Reference Model, its extent is not completely defined. Some process models
MAY include aspects that are not strictly part of SOA for example, in this
Reference Model we do not address the orchestration of multiple services,
although orchestration and choreography may be part of the process model. At a
minimum, the process model MUST cover the interactions with the service itself.

The reason that orchestration (and choreography) are not
part of the SOA RM is that the focus of the RM is on modeling what service is
and what key relationships are involved in modeling service.

Beyond the straightforward
mechanics of interacting with a service there are other, higher-order,
attributes of services process models that are also often important. These can
include whether the service is idempotent,
whether the service is long-running
in nature and whether it is important to account for any transactional aspects of the service.

3.2.3 Real World Effect

There is always a particular purpose associated with
interacting with a service. Conversely, a service provider (and consumer) often
has a priori conditions that apply to its interactions. The service consumer is trying to achieve
some result by using the service, as is the service provider. At first sight,
such a goal can often be expressed as trying to get the service to do something. This is sometimes known as the real world
effect of using a service. For example, an airline reservation service can be
used to learn about available flights, seating and ultimately to book travel
the desired real world effect being information and a seat on the right flight.

As was discussed in Section 3.1, a real world effect can be the response to a request
for information or the change in the state of some defined entities shared by
the service participants. In this context, the shared state does not
necessarily refer to specific state variables being saved in physical storage
but rather represents shared information about the affected entities. So in the example of the airline reservation,
the shared state – that there is a seat
reserved on a particular flight – represents a common understanding between a
future passenger and the airline. The details of actual state changes whether
on the part of the passenger (e.g. fund balances required to pay for the
ticket) or of the airline (e.g. that a seat is sold for that flight) – are not shared by the other.

Figure 7 Real World Effect and shared state

In addition, the internal actions that service providers and
consumers perform as a result of participation in service interactions are, by
definition, private and fundamentally unknowable. By unknowable we mean both
that external parties cannot see others private actions and, furthermore,
SHOULD NOT have explicit knowledge of them. Instead we focus on the set of
facts shared by the parties the shared state. Actions by service providers
and consumers lead to modifications of this shared state; and the real world
effect of a service interaction is the accumulation of the changes in the
shared state.

For example, when an airline has confirmed a seat for a
passenger on a flight this represents a fact that both the airline and the
passenger share it is part of their shared state. Thus the real world effect of booking the
flight is the modification of this shared state the creation of the fact of
the booking. Flowing from the shared
facts, the passenger, the airline, and interested third parties may make
inferences for example, when the passenger arrives at the airport the airline
confirms the booking and permits the passenger onto the airplane (subject of
course to the passenger meeting the other requirements for traveling).

For the airline to know that the seat is confirmed it will
likely require some private action to record the reservation. However, a
passenger should not have to know the details of the airline internal
procedures. Likewise, the airline does not know if the reservation was
made by the passenger or someone acting on the passengers behalf. 
The passengers and the airlines  understanding of the reservation is
independent of how the airline  maintains its records or who initiated the

There is a
strong relationship between the shared state and the interactions that lead up
to that state. The elements of the shared state SHOULD be inferable from that prior
interaction together with other context as necessary. In particular, it is not
required that the state be recorded; although without such recording it may
become difficult to audit the interaction at a subsequent time.

3.3 About

In support of the
dynamics of interacting with services are a set of concepts that are about
services themselves. These are the service description, the execution context
of the service and the contracts and policies that relate to services and
service participants.

Figure 8 About services

3.3.1 Service

One of the
hallmarks of a Service Oriented Architecture is the large amount of associated
documentation and description.

The service
description represents the information needed in order to use a service. In
most cases, there is no one right description but rather the elements of description
required depend on the context and the needs of the parties using the
associated entity. While there are certain elements that are likely to be part
of any service description, most notably the information model, many elements
such as function and policy may vary.

Figure 9 Service description

The purpose of
description is to facilitate interaction and visibility, particularly when the
participants are in different ownership domains, between participants in
service interactions. By providing descriptions, it makes it possible for
potential participants to construct systems that use services and even offer
compatible services.

For example,
descriptions allow participants to discriminate amongst possible choices for
service interaction; such as whether the service provides required
capabilities, how to access the service, and negotiate over specific service
functionality. In addition, descriptions can be used to support the management
of services, both from the service providers perspective and the service
consumers perspective.

Best practice
suggests that the service description SHOULD be represented using a standard,
referenceable format. Such a format facilitates the use of common processing
tools (such as discovery engines) that can capitalize on the service

While the concept
of a SOA supports use of a service without the service consumer needing to know
the details of the service implementation, the service description makes
available critical information that a consumer needs in order to decide whether
or not to use a service. In particular,
a service consumer needs to possess the following items of information:

  1. That the service exists and is reachable;
  2. That the service performs a certain
    function or set of functions;
  3. That the service operates under a
    specified set of constraints and policies;
  4. That the service will (to some implicit
    or explicit extent) comply with policies as prescribed by the service
  5. How to interact with the service in
    order to achieve the required objectives, including the format and content
    of information exchanged between the service and the consumer and the
    sequences of information exchange that may be expected.

While each of these
items SHOULD be represented in any service description, the details can be
included through references (links) to external sources and are NOT REQUIRED to
be incorporated explicitly. This enables
reuse of standard definitions, such as for functionality or policies.

Other sections of
this document deal with these aspects of a service, but the following
subsections discuss important elements as these relate to the service
description itself. Service

Reachability is an
inherently pairwise relationship between service providers and service
consumers. However, a service description SHOULD include sufficient data to
enable a service consumer and service provider to interact with each other.
This MAY include metadata such as the location of the service and what
information protocols it supports and requires. It MAY also include dynamic
information about the service, such as whether it is currently available. Service

A service
description SHOULD unambiguously express the function(s) of the service and the
real world effects (see Section 3.2.3) that result from it being invoked. This portion of the description SHOULD be
expressed in a way that is generally understandable by service consumers but
able to accommodate a vocabulary that is sufficiently expressive for the domain
for which the service provides its functionality. The description of functionality may include,
among other possibilities, a textual description intended for human consumption
or identifiers or keywords referenced to specific machine-processable
definitions. For a full description, it
MAY indicate multiple identifiers or keywords from a number of different
collections of definitions.

Part of the
description of functionality may include underlying technical assumptions that
determine the limits of functionality exposed by the service or of the
underlying capability. For example, the
amounts dispensed by an automated teller machine (ATM) are consistent with the
assumption that the user is an individual rather than a business. To use the ATM, the user must not only adhere
to the policies and satisfy the constraints of the associated financial
institution (see Section for how this relates to service description and
Section 3.3.2 for a detailed discussion) but the user is limited to
withdrawing certain fixed amounts of cash and a certain number of transactions
in a specified period of time. The
financial institution, as the underlying capability, does not have these limits
but the service interface as exposed to its customers does, consistent with its
assumption of the needs of the intended user.
If the assumption is not valid, the user may need to use another service
to access the capability. Policies
Related to a Service

A service
description MAY include support for associating policies with a service and
providing necessary information for prospective consumers to evaluate if a service
will act in a manner consistent with the consumers constraints. Service

The service
interface is the means for interacting with a service. It includes the specific protocols, commands,
and information exchange by which actions are initiated that result in the real
world effects as specified through the service functionality portion of the
service description.

The specifics of
the interface SHOULD be syntactically represented in a standard referenceable
format. These prescribe what information needs to be provided to the service in
order to access its capabilities and interpret responses. This is often referred to as the services information
model, see Section It should be
noted that the particulars of the interface format are beyond the scope of the
reference model. However, the existence of interfaces and accessible
descriptions of those interfaces are fundamental to the SOA concept.

While this
discussion refers to a standard referenceable syntax for service descriptions, it
is not specified how the consumer accesses the interface definition nor how the
service itself is accessed. However, it
is assumed that for a service to be usable, its interface MUST be represented
in a format that allows interpretation of the interface information by its
consumers. The
Limits of Description

There are
well-known theoretic limits on the effectiveness of descriptions it is simply
not possible to specify, completely and unambiguously, the precise semantics of
and all related information about a service.

There will always
be unstated assumptions made by the describer of a service that must be
implicitly shared by readers of the description. This applies to machine
processable descriptions as well as to human readable descriptions.

complete precision is not necessary what is required is sufficient scope and
precision to support intended use.

Another kind of
limit of service descriptions is more straightforward: whenever a repository is
searched using any kind of query there is always the potential for zero or more responses no matter how
complete the search queries or the available descriptions appear to be. This is
inherent in the principles involved in search.

In the case that
there is more than one response, this set of responses has to be converted into
a single choice. This is a private choice that must be made by the consumer of
the search information.

3.3.2 Policies
and Contracts

A policy represents some constraint or
condition on the use, deployment or description of an owned entity as defined
by any participant. A contract, on
the other hand, represents an agreement by two or more parties. Like policies,
agreements are also about the conditions of use of a service; they may also
constrain the expected real world effects of using a service. The reference
model is focused primarily on the concept of policies and contracts as they
apply to services. We are not concerned
with the form or expressiveness of any language used to express policies and

Figure 10 Policies and Contracts Service

Conceptually, there
are three aspects of policies: the policy assertion, the policy owner
(sometimes referred to as the policy subject) and policy enforcement.

For example, the
assertion: All messages are encrypted is an assertion regarding the forms of
messages. As an assertion, it is measurable: it may be true or false depending
on whether the traffic is encrypted or not. Policy assertions are often about
the way the service is realized; i.e., they are about the relationship between
the service and its execution context, see 3.3.3.

A policy always
represents a participants point of view. An assertion becomes the policy of a
participant when they adopt the assertion as their policy. This linking is
normally not part of the assertion itself. For example, if the service consumer
declares that All messages are encrypted, then that reflects the policy of
the service consumer. This policy is one that may be asserted by the service
consumer independently of any agreement from the service provider.

Finally, a policy
may be enforced. Techniques for the enforcement of policies depend on the
nature of the policy. Conceptually, service policy enforcement amounts to
ensuring that the policy assertion is consistent with the real world. This
might mean preventing unauthorized actions to be performed or states to be
entered into; it can also mean initiating compensatory actions when a policy
violation has been detected. An
unenforceable constraint is not a policy; it would be better described as a

potentially apply to many aspects of SOA: security, privacy, manageability,
Quality of Service and so on. Beyond such infrastructure-oriented policies,
participants MAY also express business-oriented policies such as hours of
business, return policies and so on.

Policy assertions
SHOULD be written in a form that is understandable to, and processable by, the
parties to whom the policy is directed. Policies MAY be automatically
interpreted, depending on the purpose and applicability of the policy and how
it might affect whether a particular service is used or not.

A natural point of
contact between service participants and policies associated with the service
is in the service description see Section 3.3.1. It would be natural for the service description to
contain references to the policies associated with the service. Service

Whereas a policy is
associated with the point of view of individual participants, a contract
represents an agreement between two or more participants. Like policies,
contracts can cover a wide range of aspects of services: quality of service
agreements, interface and choreography agreements and commercial agreements.
Note that we are not necessarily referring to legal contracts here.

Thus, following the
discussion above, a service contract is a measurable assertion that governs the
requirements and expectations of two or more parties. Unlike policy enforcement, which is usually
the responsibility of the policy owner, contract enforcement may involve
resolving disputes between the parties to the contract. The resolution of such
disputes may involve appeals to higher authorities.

Like policies,
contracts may be expressed in a form that permits automated interpretation.
Where a contract is used to codify the results of a service interaction, it is
good practice to represent it in a machine processable form. Among other
purposes, this facilitates automatic service composition. Where a contract is
used to describe over-arching agreements between service providers and
consumers, then the priority is likely to make such contracts readable by

Since a contract is
inherently the result of agreement by the parties involved, there is a process associated with the agreement
action. Even in the case of an implicitly agreed upon contract, there is
logically an agreement action associated with the contract, even if there is no
overt action of agreement. A contract may be arrived at by a mechanism that is
not directly part of an SOA an out of band process. Alternatively, a contract
may be arrived at during the course of a service interaction an in-band

3.3.3 Execution

Figure 11 Execution Context

The execution context of a service
interaction is the set of infrastructure elements, process entities, policy
assertions and agreements that are identified as part of an instantiated
service interaction, and thus forms a path between those with needs and those
with capabilities.

As discussed in
previous sections of this document, the service description (and a
corresponding description associated with the service consumer and its needs)
contains information that can include preferred protocols, semantics, policies
and other conditions and assumptions that describe how a service can and may be
used. The participants (providers,
consumers, and any third parties as noted below) must agree and acknowledge a
consistent set of agreements in order to have a successful service interaction,
i.e. realizing the described real world effects. The execution context is the collection of
this consistent set of agreements.

The consumer and
provider can be envisioned as separate places on a map and, for a service to
actually be invoked, a path must be established between those two places. This path is the execution context. As with a path between places, it can be a
temporary connection (e.g. a tenuous footbridge of an ad hoc exchange) or a
well-defined coordination (e.g. a super highway) that can be easily reused in
the future.

The execution
context is not limited to one side of the interaction; rather it concerns the
totality of the interaction including the service provider, the service
consumer and the common infrastructure needed to mediate the interaction. While
there may be third parties, for example, government regulators, who set some of
the conditions for the execution context, this merely increases the conditions
and constraints needing to be coordinated and may require additional
information exchange to complete the execution context.

The execution
context is central to many aspects of a service interaction. It defines, for
example, a decision point for policy enforcement relating to the service
interaction. Note that a policy decision point is not necessarily the same as
an enforcement point: an execution context is not by itself something that
lends itself to enforcement. On the other hand, any enforcement mechanism of a
policy is likely to take into account the particulars of the actual execution

The execution
context also allows us to distinguish services from one another. Different
instances of the same service denoting interactions between a given service
provider and different service consumers for example are distinguished by
virtue of the fact that their execution contexts are different.

Finally, the
execution context is also the context in which the interpretation of data that
is exchanged takes place. A particular string has a particular meaning in a
service interaction in a particular context the execution context.

An execution
context often evolves during a service interaction. The set of infrastructure
elements, the policies and agreements that apply to the interaction, may well
change during a given service interaction. For example, at an initial point in
an interaction, it may be decided by the parties that future communication
should be encrypted. As a result the execution context also changes to
incorporate the necessary infrastructure to support the encryption and continue
the interaction.


The authors of this reference model
envision that architects may wish to declare their work is conformant with this
reference model. Conforming to a Reference Model is not generally an easily
automatable task given that the Reference Models role is primarily to define
concepts that are important to SOA rather than to give guidelines for
implementing systems.

However, we do
expect that any given Service Oriented Architecture will reference the concepts
outlined in this specification. As such, we expect that any design for a system
that adopts the SOA approach will

  • Have entities that can be identified as
    services as defined by this Reference Model;
  • Be able to identify how visibility is
    established between service providers and consumers;
  • Be able to identify how interaction is
  • Be able to identify how the effect of
    using services is understood;
  • Have descriptions associated with services;
  • Be able to identify the execution
    context required to support interaction; and
  • It will be possible to identify how
    policies are handled and how contracts may be modeled and enforced.

It is not
appropriate for this specification to identify best practices with
respect to building SOA-based systems. However, the ease with which the above
elements can be identified within a given SOA-based system could have
significant impact on the scalability, maintainability and ease of use of the


5.1 Normative

[RFC2119] S.
Bradner, Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels,,
IETF RFC 2119, March 1997.

5.2 Non-Normative

[W3C WSA] W3C Working Group Note “Web
Services Architecture”, , 11 February 2004

The glossary contains a concise definition of terms used
within this specification, but the full description in the text is the
normative description.

Action Model

The characterization of the permissible actions that may be
invoked against a service. See Section


A state whereby one party has knowledge of the existence of
the other party. Awareness does not imply willingness or reachability. See

Behavior Model

The characterization of (and responses to, and temporal
dependencies between) the actions on a service. See Section


A real-world effect that a service provider is able to
provide to a service consumer. See Section 2.1.

Execution context

The set of technical and business elements that form a path
between those with needs and those with capabilities and that permit service
providers and consumers to interact. See Section 3.3.3.


A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that
constitutes a way of viewing the current environment.


A characteristic of a service whereby multiple attempts to
change a state will always and only generate a single change of state if the
operation has already been successfully completed once. See Section

Information model

The characterization of the information that is associated
with the use of a service. See Section


The activity involved in making using of a capability
offered, usually across an ownership boundary, in order to achieve a particular
desired real-world effect. See Section 3.2.3.


An invitation to use the capabilities made available by a
service provider in accordance with some set of policies.


A statement of obligations, constraints or other conditions
of use of an owned entity as defined by a participant. See Section 3.3.2.

Process Model

The characterization of the temporal relationships between
and temporal properties of actions and events associated with interacting with
the service. See Section


The ability of a service consumer and service provider to
interact. Reachability is an aspect of visibility. See Section

Real world effect

The actual result of using a service, rather than merely
the capability offered by a service provider. See Section 3.2.3.

Reference Architecture

A reference architecture is an architectural design pattern
that indicates how an abstract set of mechanisms and relationships realizes a
predetermined set of requirements. See Section 1.1.

Reference Model

A reference model is an abstract framework for
understanding significant relationships among the entities of some environment
that enables the development of specific architectures using consistent
standards or specifications supporting that environment.

A reference model consists of a minimal set of unifying
concepts, axioms and relationships within a particular problem domain, and is
independent of specific standards, technologies, implementations, or other
concrete details. See Section 1.1.


A conceptualization of the implied meaning of information,
that requires words and/or symbols within a usage context. See Section

Semantic Engagement

The relationship between an agent and a set of information
that depends on a particular interpretation of the information. See Section


The means by which the needs of a consumer are brought
together with the capabilities of a provider. See Section 3.1.

Service Consumer

An entity which seeks to satisfy a particular need through
the use capabilities offered by means of a service.

Service description

The information needed in order to use, or consider using,
a service. See Section 3.3.1.

Service Interface

The means by which the underlying capabilities of a service
are accessed. See Section

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Service Oriented Architecture is a paradigm for organizing
and utilizing distributed capabilities that may be under the control of
different ownership domains. It provides a uniform means to offer, discover,
interact with and use capabilities to produce desired effects consistent with
measurable preconditions and expectations. See Section 2.1.

Service Provider

An entity (person or organization) that offers the use of
capabilities by means of a service.

Shared state

The set of facts and commitments that manifest themselves
to service participants as a result of interacting with a service.

Software Architecture

The structure or structures of an information system
consisting of entities and their externally visible properties, and the
relationships among them.


The capacity for those with needs and those with capabilities
to be able to interact with each other. See Section 3.2.1.


A predisposition of service providers and consumers to
interact. See Section

The following individuals were members of the committee
during the development of this specification and are gratefully acknowledged:


Christopher Bashioum, Mitre Corporation

Prasanta Behera, Individual Member

Kathryn Breininger, The Boeing Company

Rex Brooks,, Inc.

Al Brown, FileNet Corporation

Peter F Brown, Individual Member

Joseph Chiusano, Booz Allen Hamilton

David Ellis, Individual Member

Robert S. Ellinger, Northrop Grumman Corporation

Jeff Estefan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Don Flinn, Individual Member

Steve Jones, Capgemini

Gregory Kohring, NEC Europe Ltd.

Ken Laskey, Mitre Corporation

C. Matthew MacKenzie (secretary), Adobe Systems

Francis McCabe (secretary), Fujitsu Laboratories of America Ltd.

Wesley McGregor, Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat

Tom Merkle, Lockheed Martin Information

Rebekah Metz,
Booz Allen Hamilton

Oleg Mikulinsky, WebLayers, Inc.

Jyoti Namjoshi, Patni Computer Systems Ltd.

Duane Nickull (chair), Adobe Systems

George Ntinolazos, Strata Software Ltd

Joseph Pantella, Individual Member

Ron Schuldt, Lockheed Martin

Michael Stiefel, Reliable Software, Inc.

Danny Thornton, Individual Member

Michal Zaremba, Digital Enterprise Research

Original Article:

About the author
