
Google Camera 8.8 tweaks the zoom bar on Pixel 7/Pro

Google Camera 8.8 tweaks the zoom bar on Pixel 7/Pro
Written by Techbot

The latest version of Google Camera brings faster Night Sight to the Pixel 6/Pro and reveals work on the Pixel 8 Pro. Google Camera 8.8 also tweaks the zoom UI on the Pixel 7 and 7 Pro.

The Pixel 7 series has a different zoom bar than other Google phones. In the comparison below, you see the rather plain UI (left) on a Pixel 6. It’s just a circular scrubber head (with the exact increment) on a line. 

The Pixel 7/Pro introduced a more detailed UI (center) where the line is replaced by an oblong pill that notes the available and min/max increments with dots. Google Camera notes the current zoom level with an overly large circle above. The digits are a bit too small and consumed by the container.

Google Camera 8.8 switches to line/tick marks that are reminiscent of a ruler and even markings on a physical DSLR lens. Meanwhile, the current zoom level, with Dynamic Color theming, is larger and no longer housed in a circle.

Google Camera Pixel 7 zoom
Google Camera Pixel 7 zoom

Pixel 6 (v8.8) | Pixel 7 (v8.7) | Pixel 7 (v8.8)

Version 8.8 of Google Camera with this new zoom UI for the Pixel 7 is not yet widely rolled out in the Play Store.

More on Google Camera:

Thanks Michael B.

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Abner Li


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